Belinda Phillips was on the Skunk Works Show to tell the story of her 21 year-old daughter, Marly, who has a genetic condition called Dravet syndrome, a rare and catastrophic form of intractable epilepsy that begins in infancy. After 14 brain surgeries, Marly still suffered 4-13 seizures per day.
SWS #2 | June 7, 2014
Friends suggested Belinda watch Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s documentary about the changing of his thoughts on medical marijuana. What she learned sent her on an unexpected journey into the world of medical marijuana, a world she was previously opposed to.
Belinda found a doctor in December of 2013 to prescribe a rare form of cannabis oil for Marly. Six months later, Marly suffers two seizures a day, a 50% improvement over the number of seizures she previously suffered, on her BEST days.
Watch their remarkable story as broadcasted by Fox 2 News Detroit.
Why I changed my mind on weed
Dr. Sanjay Gupta apologizes for his previous ignorance about the facts of marijuana.